Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Barstool Prophets!

Check out this video about the newest book from Ethan Minsker, Barstool Prophets! He made sets out of paper for you people.

Book: Barstool Prophets from Ethan H. Minsker on Vimeo.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Newest Psycho Moto! The Stripped Down Issue!

I'm sure you have been YEARNING for the release of our newest incarnation of Psycho Moto, and here it is at last!

Issue #18 includes all sorts of stories about strippers, original art and all the general fun stuff you expect from the Antagonists.

If you're interested in submitting, send an email with whatever you wanna submit to pmzsubmissions@gmail.com
If we like it, we'll use it!

Also, if you like this whole online zine we got, remember that we use Scribd.com! They're awesome!