Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fahrenheit - Writer's Night

The writers night (Fahrenheit) began sometime in 2002 at Black and White bar located on East 10th street in the East Village. Of course all praise to Ethan Minsker for coming up with the idea of a writer's night and a big shout out to Bryan "MC Buttafucco" Middletown for being the orginal host and creating the orginal vibe of the whole goddamn event. ("5 minutes to tell your story and if you do poetry we throw something at you!") I was invited to attend the writers night by President Ethan Minkser and made my debut sometime in January of 2003 playing a cassette recording of secretly recorded verbal conflict with my dad. The crowd loved my tape and cheered for more. While listening to the other readers read their "6th grade cliche crap" I decided to start writing stories that I felt were more interesting than what I was hearing. The writers night was a weekly event until Bryan Middletown left NYC sometime in 2005(?).

The event took a bit of a hiatus and then returned as a once a month event with Dantagonist Graff and Brad "Zeke Tewilleger" Ackerman hosting the event. Dan and Brad could not get their shit together and had their heads up their own asses so we had to give the task to the wonderful Nick Katzban. Nick had a similar energy and vibe to original host Bryan Middletown and the writers night was back on track, (new writers, old writers, Richard Allen and myself holding the whole goddamn thing together...and of course we could not do it without the "T" brothers - Johnny T and Crispy T - thanks for letting us use your space!!!!).

Nick is leaving town and writer Matt is talking over as host at Black and White the first Sunday night of every month. We also do the writers night at NIAGARA bar usually the third thursday of every month. (unless I am attending a rock show it may be on the 2nd thursday of every month) I am the host of the Niagara thursday writers night. 5 minutes to tell your story, tell your jokes, sing your song, read your poetry, or just plain antagonize. See you at Black and White on Sunday September 6 at 9pm and Niagara on Thursday Sept 17 at 9pm.

Brother Mike Cohen Saturday August 22, 2009 2:43pm NYC.

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