Wednesday, September 9, 2009


WHAT: FAHRENHEIT - the open mic/spoken word/comedy/ storytelling/poetry/music thing do twice a month in the East Village

WHERE: Black and White Bar located on East 10th street between 3rd and 4th Ave in the East Village in Manhattan

BROUGHT TO YOU BY WHO? The Anatagonist Movement and the "T" brothers. (Johnny+Crispy)

WHAT TIME: 9pm-11pm

HOST: we have new host, his name is Matt and he has a beard. He has replaced Nick who has left NYC to learn how to write on the left coast.

CAN I GET ON STAGE? Sure, fuck face, you get only 5 minutes. Thats 5 minutes.

WILL ZEKE TEWILLEGER BE THERE? no, he hates all of us...but Richard Allen and Brother Mike Cohen will be there.

ADMISSION: Free, but you should buy some drinks and leave your poland spring at home.

WHEN IS THE NEXT READING IF I CANT MAKE IT ON SUNDAY? Thursday September 17, 2009 at Niagara....dont worry, I will send another email.

-Brother Mike Cohen

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